Archive for the ‘Studies’ Category

partnership: a contractual relationship between two or more persons carrying on a joint business venture witha view to profit, each incurring liability for losses and the right to share in the profits

I want to write and let you know how much we appreciate you as partners in this ministry. We know that without you, our ministry would have a much more narrow scope. We are happy to know that we all “…share in the profits” (blessings). A recent revelation in God’s Word has left me challenged and hungry. Challenged to see what I am to Christ and where I stand in my relationship to my Father and hungry for more of Him. If you look closely at John 9, the healing of the blind man, you will see what I mean. It states immediately that he was blind so Jesus could show God’s glory but what hit me was the events after the healing.

If you look at the whole chapter, see how you identify with the blind man spiritually. Ask yourself, ‘if I was put in a spot to say who Jesus is to me, how would I answer?’ You can watch this man’s thoughts and perception of Jesus change as his life is turned upside down. Thank goodness that never happens to us. The blind man could now see, a miracle happened and he was challenged to explain it. So I asked myself, ‘…what am I to Jesus and my Father? Do I really know Him enough to call Him, Father? Were my eyes really opened? Can I share the proof? Who is this Jesus that has gifted me sight?’ (To see my commentary on John 9 click here)

“As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work. (v4)” This verse that was mentioned so early in the chapter is truly what I had to ask myself after receiving the revelation of the rest of the chapter. Am I showing God’s glory as long as I have light… as long as I am alive? Am I giving it my all?

I am learning and improving through our work together and I continue to try and be all that God made me to be. My prayer is that we will be able to do the same for you. Thank you for your partnership, for I know we are proceeding in a venture together to see a profit, God’s glory done. “…this happened so that the works of God might be displayed…”(v3). I am well aware if the Corks become a liability and fail to show God’s glory we will incur losses as a partnership but, its my prayer that we see profits thru blessings from obedience to what God has called the Corks and you to. Thanks for your continued partnership in prayers, encouragement, and giving.
